Tuesday, March 17, 2015

One Year Later

     It is with a thankful heart I look back on 1 year ago. God is so good and He has been with me every moment of this overwhelming year.

     It was one year ago today that I had a colonoscopy done to find/diagnose issues I was having. As I reflect back on that day I ask myself questions like - How have I grown this past year? What did I learn about God? How has God shown me purpose in this journey? I was looking back on my journal and an entry from April 1st caught my eye. I will share some of it with you.

     I wrote the verses from 1 Thes. 5:16-17

      "Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing"
      If I understand these verses I should always be filled with joy and I should pray about everything.

      How does one choose joy when fighting cancer? How does one choose joy when they lost a loved one? How does one choose joy when their teenager is making destructive choices and is difficult to live with? How does one choose joy when pain is a constant part of their day? How does one choose joy when they lost their job? The list is endless - we all have difficult things that are a part of our lives.

     Maybe the answer is to pray without ceasing or about everything- that means I give to God whatever matters to me today. It means I don't try to fix problems that are not fixable. It means I trust God enough with my future to not worry today.

     Is the reason I choose joy for my benefit or is it for God or even for others? Maybe it's all three! If I choose joy it makes room for peace. If I have peace it means I am giving God permission to work in my life as He wants. If I am at peace my family benefits because peace and being stressed out don't mix. (A stressed out mom/wife is no fun to live with!) And finally if I choose joy in the midst of pain God gets the glory!


     God is working on me and growing my faith. It hurts a lot sometimes to walk through tough stuff but I am learning to look for God in the tough times. He is teaching me to have a grateful heart and learn to thank Him for all the gifts He showers on me every day. Choosing joy is a CHOICE and sometimes I don't FEEL like choosing joy. But the times that I have the courage and strength of heart to turn from the thoughts that steal joy give me courage to keep pressing closer to the One who knows me and loves me enough to walk with me.

     Do I trust God enough to choose joy for my journey? Do I respond with joy in trials? What does joy look like in your everyday?

     Be blessed and be brave enough to choose joy!

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