Good afternoon- Dale called!
Caroline here writing on Carol's behalf as you, who are checking in and praying along with them today while she was in surgery and we have all been waiting for news, hopefully good news -and that it is!
Surgery went well.She came out of surgery around 5:00.
The Doctor came out and reported that they were able to get ALL the spots removed from the liver! Amazing report! Truly more than Dale and Carol had hoped for. The initial thought from the doctor weeks ago was that he would remove what he felt could safely be taken, than possibly in January go for surgery again. But with this wonderful report they will not need to have another surgery!The tumor in her rectum was also completely removed.
She will be in ICU tonight and possibly another night depending on how she is tomorrow.
They are expecting her to be in the hospital for a week.
Dale's parents and Carol's parents spent the day at the hospital with Dale.Ben was there for a bit this morning. I was glad to hear of the support which of course, didn't surprise me at at all.Dale said the day didn't really seem long for them- more evidence of the presence of God and answered prayer.
I so wish I could be there and look forward to being there next week. Carol is like a sister to me and one of my dearest friends!
I am going to take the liberty here to say thank you to all of Carol's friends for surrounding her the way you do. It has given Chip and me so much encouragement as family- so very far away - to know that she has such incredible support! I know you all are so blessed by her life and she is blessed by yours.
Keep praying!
PTL will continue to pray!