There is this story in the gospels of a woman who had a bleeding issue for 12 years. She spent all her money on Drs who tried to heal her. I read the story lots of times and always was a little critical of her for just sneaking up behind Jesus and touching His garment. I understand her story a little better these days.
She was considered unclean because of her bleeding issue and if she touched others they were unclean then too. She pressed into the crowd and when she finally got close enough she reached out and touched the hem of Jesus' garment. Immediately she knew she was healed! Jesus stopped and asked who touched Him. When the woman came forward he simply told her her faith made her whole.
How amazing is that? It only took her having enough faith to touch his clothes. She didn't even ask Him for healing!!
When I imagine if Jesus came to my town I would run to Him and put my arms around Him and beg for healing. But some days the voice of the enemy is so persistent in trying to make me believe that God has bigger problems and he tries to discourage me and make me feel like I don't have enough faith. Those days I picture myself just reaching out to touch His hem.
I have labeled those days as "hem days" meaning all I can muster is to breathe the name of Jesus and cry out for grace and strength to walk this journey and I reach out in faith that His hand is reaching down to me.
The amazing part is Jesus is always there for me when I cry out to Him.
I don't know how my healing will look but I know He will heal me in His time. I might not get an instant miracle when I touch His hem but I may need to walk through my healing. There is another healing that God chooses sometimes for His children and that is healing through calling His children home. The important part for me is to trust Him and keep on in faith and hope of healing.
Surgery is scheduled for the 16th - it is only days away now! Dr. G will remove part of my liver that has cancer spots on it and also the original tumor that is in my rectum. They anticipate it will take 6-8 hours and I will be in the hospital for 7 days. We will be at Mercy Hospital in Baltimore. Please pray for continued peace in the next couple days. Pray too for the surgeon and all the nurses who work so hard! I pray God blesses them in a big way!!!
Please keep our boys in prayer too. It won't be easy for them to be at school and their jobs that week but I know they will be taken care of too! Dale is planning to take the week off and be with me most of the time. He is my rock and I love knowing he can be there.
I will continue to hold on to what I know - God is real no matter what I feel and He is always with me!
- Be blessed!
Hugs! And holding you up with all my heart. Love you so much...